The Allie homepage, home to notes and stories about the fangirl Muse - and about her decidedly weird family...
Introducing perhaps the only Muse on work experience.
In response to the 2000 Adric Awards on alt.drwho.creative.
Scene-setting can reveal surprises of its own - especially in Subreality.
Allie's family secrets reach into a piece of Calliope's own past... even if Allie doesn't know it.
The Night The Stories Went Dark (offsite link)
In which everything goes to Hades - and out the other side.
Be warned: this is a /long/ story. Set aside a day or so...
Allie has an angsty rant. Turns out she's got good reason...
In Joe's Cafe, one History Muse has a story he needs to tell.
Allie's family arrive at the Round. Uh-oh...
Allie's prepared for the 2001 Adric Awards - but not for her new visitor.
It's Little Sister's turn at the microphone now...
A brief interlude in the aftermath of the 2001 Adric Awards.
Xeffy versus the WANKERs. The poor bastards just can't catch a break.
This time, our heroes don't go to Hades. Hades comes to them. (round robin)
The TTR muses' reaction to current Subreality events.
A simple request provides big problems for Katarina and Sandra...
The request's solution is simple enough. Its consequences aren't.
It's not easy. Especially when it's your daughter you're talking about.
The consequences aren't getting any simpler.
Beginnings and endings after the 2002 Adric Awards.
Something's whacked Roger Master in the face with a mouthful of tentacles, and it's down to Xeffy and Ayna to solve the mystery. Uh-oh...
In which we learn the dangers of jumping to conclusions.
School, boys, and food. Just another girl-talk session in Nameless.
Some prices are worth it.
A journey through the worlds of alt.drwho.creative, Imran-style. My 100th TTR fic.
Friends don't let friends meet friends. Not least for the embarrassment factor...
The visit of an official from the Divinity and Personal Rolls Office sets a bizarre train of events in motion for the Allingham family...
Is Kari ready for school? Is school ready for him?
Kari's ex shows up, and she's _not_ here to throw him a welcoming party...
Friendship cuts both ways.
The tale of the Sandman's meeting with a newcomer to his realm.
Current profiles on Allie and her family.
Allie and Xeffy take a Mary-Sue test. Although it would help if they weren't taking an X-Men one...